Student Handbook

Welcome to MERGED – the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s programme that gives you direct access to the best European universities within global environment and development. We aim to make your participation in MERGED academically rewarding as well as enjoyable and culturally enriching.

This handbook aims to give you an overview of the most important issues as you move further along in your MERGED studies.

In some sections you’ll find extensive descriptions of the topics, while in others you’ll find less information. You may not find all the answers to your questions in the handbook, but you’ll find references to where you can find more information on the topic – or who to contact about it.

Please feel free to reach out to us on, if you have suggestions on how to improve the handbook.

Introduction to MERGED
Explanation of the programme

MERGED is a joint study programme which awards a double degree, fully recognized in all the participating countries, upon graduation. To obtain the MERGED double degree, you must

  • obtain 60 ECTS from two different MERGED universities, totalling 120 ECTS
  • transfer all credits to both your first- and second-year university

Your way through the programme
You will start your studies at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) together with all other MERGED students.

For the second year of studies, you and the other MERGED students will travel to your second-year university according to your chosen mobility track:

  • University of Warsaw (UW), Poland
  • University of Milan (UMIL), Italy

You have been informed which second-year university you will go to in your letter with offer of admission to the programme. Your mobility track is binding and cannot be changed.

The MERGED double degree
Getting a double degree means that you receive two national degrees – one degree from each university where you’ve completed 60 ECTS.

To graduate and obtain the double degree you must complete 120 ECTS in total (60 ECTS at two different MERGED universities):

  • 60 ECTS at UCPH the first year of studies
  • 60 ECTS at your second-year university

You must transfer credits to get your diplomas
To obtain a diploma from both two universities you’ve attended, you need to transfer credits from

  1. UCPH > your second-year university
  2. your second-year university > UCPH

You’ll need a certified transcript of records from each of the partner universities of your mobility track, which shows all the courses and grades, to start the process of a credit transfer. It is your own responsibility to get the transcript of records and to start the credit transfer.

In this handbook we will also explain, how you transfer credits

  • from UCPH to your second-year university after your first year of studies
  • to UCPH once you’ve completed all 60 ECTS credits at your second-year university.
Joint MERGED academic calendar

The academic calendars vary amongst the MERGED universities.
Here you’ll find an approximate academic calendar for all MERGED universities.

 StructureAutumn semesterSpring semester
First year of studies
University of Copenhagen    4 blocksBlock 1
Early September – Late October
Block 3 Early February – Early April
Block 2 Early November – Late JanuaryBlock 4 Mid-April – Late June
Second year of studies
University of Warsaw2 semestersOctober – Mid FebruaryLate February – Late July
University of Milan2 semestersLate September – Early FebruaryLate February – Late June
Joint MERGED grading scale

Your academic performance is evaluated with national grades at each university. The grades are related to the ECTS grading scale in the table below. Please note that no official conversion table exists. The table is constructed based on the practices of the involved universities, so this cannot be used as an official conversion table but an indication of conversion.

Excellent125!30, 30 cum laudeA
Very good10528-30B
Fail00, -32<18F/FX
Student feedback and programme development

The MERGED Consortium is always looking to develop the programme, and an important part of that work is based on your evaluations.

It is therefore important always to participate in evaluation activities, including standard module evaluations, oral evaluation meetings with the MERGED Co-ordinator, and completion of the First Year Evaluation Form and Full Programme Evaluation Form.


As a MERGED student, it can sometimes be confusing as to who to contact about different study related issues, as you move from university to university during your study period.

The rule of thumb is, that you must contact the university where the study related issue is located.

 University of CopenhagenUniversity of WarsawUniversity of Milan
Academic contactProf. Carsten Smith-Hall csh@ifro.ku.dkDr Mariola Zalewska Carlo Pozzi
Administrative contactThe MERGED Office:   SCIENCE Student ServicesAdam Tarkowski Righini;  
Traveling and visa/residence permits
Traveling and visa/residence permits

It is your own responsibility to

• make and pay for travel arrangements to Copenhagen and Poland/Italy
• secure and pay for the needed visa/residence permits.

In the sections below you can read about what to notice about visa/residence permits.

Visa/permits to Denmark – first year of studies

As an EU citizen, you must apply for a registration certificate after you arrive in Denmark, if you plan to stay in Denmark longer than 3 months.

As a non-EU citizen, you must apply for and obtain a Danish residence permit before you enter Denmark.

SCIENCE will assist you in beginning the visa application to Denmark. You will be contacted in late May on your UCPH alumni email (KUmail) with more information.

We encourage you to begin the visa application process as soon as possible.

More info on visa/residence permits
• How to MSc module 2 – Living and Studying in Denmark
• Higher education programmes – New to Denmark

Visa/permits to Italy – second year of studies

According to the Italian law, EU students do not need to apply for a residence permit.

Both EU and non-EU students must register at the General Register Office (Ufficio Anagrafe) of the municipality in which you are going to reside during the second year in Milan.

Read about declaration of temporary residence in Milano for international students here.

Visa/permits to Poland – second year of studies

As an EU student, you must apply for registration of residence in person to the competent province governor for the area where you reside in Warsaw. You must do this no later than the next day after the end of the 3-month period following the date of entry into Poland.

Read about registration of residence here in Poland here.

Non-EU students
Once you are accepted as a student of our programme, you will have to apply for a Polish student visa in your country of origin. Contact a Polish consulate or embassy for complete details of the application procedure. You will find a list of Polish diplomatic missions at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Read about legislation of stay for non-EU students here.

Financial and legal matters
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Holders

As an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holder, you must be enrolled and a full-time student to be eligible for the scholarship. In case of interruption of enrolment, e.g. maternity leave, sick leave or similar absence, you must inform the MERGED office at UCPH ( Your scholarship will then be stopped for your period of absence and started again upon your return to your studies.

Duration of the scholarship
The maximum duration of the scholarship is 24 months (33,600€ in total). If you extend your studies beyond 24 months, the scholarship cannot be extended.

Transfer of scholarship
Throughout your studies the MERGED office at UCPH will transfer your monthly scholarship of 1400€ to your preferred bank account.

Your residential address is the determining factor in whether the scholarship instalment is transferred in DKK (Danish Kroner) or in Euros.

The scholarship is transferred in

  • DKK if your residential address is in Denmark
  • Euros if your residential address in any other country.

You are responsible for the charge of fees for the transfer if your account is in another currency.

The scholarship is always paid in advance for the forthcoming month and will be at your disposal on the last bank day of a given month. For example: the instalment for November is paid on the last bank day of October.

The last possible scholarship instalment will be available on the last bank day of July for the month of August of the second year of study.

The first instalment
The first instalment of the scholarship is prepaid for 3 months and to disposal no later than the end of September.

To receive the first instalment, you must

  • inform the MERGED office of your preferred bank account
  • show up in person at the Department of Food and Resource Economics – how to find us.

We will contact you in June before study start with further information on the process.

Inform us of your preferred bank account
You must inform us of the bank account where you wish to receive the scholarship.

In June before study start, we will contact you and ask you to submit a bank form with the relevant information on your bank account for the first instalment.

For the rest of the first year in Copenhagen, you must assign a NemKonto, to get your monthly allowance of the scholarship. We will contact you in July before study start with further information.

You can read about NemKonto here.

Before you move to the country of your second-year university we will contact you again and request information on which bank account you’ll use during your second year of studies. You must send us an updated bank form with your new address and tax identification number.

Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Maybe you can find the answer on the MERGED scholarship page – otherwise contact

Tuition fee

Students required to pay tuition fee will be contacted by the MERGED office 2-4 weeks before the deadline for paying tuition fee. Tuition fee is collected for each semester of the programme.

The payment deadlines are:

  • 1st semester: 15 April
  • 2nd semester: 15 January
  • 3rd semester: 15 August
  • 4th semester: 15 January

Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Maybe you can find the answer on the MERGED tuition fee page – otherwise contact

Erasmus Mobility Grant

The Erasmus Mobility Grant is administered by UCPH. You can apply for the Erasmus Mobility Grant if you weren’t awarded the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

You can read more about Erasmus Mobility Grant on UCPH Study Information.

How and when to apply
You apply for the Erasmus Mobility Grant through the application portal Mobility Online.

The deadline is 1 November at 12.00 (noon) CET.

Find a guide and Mobility Online on UCPH Study Information.

You’ll receive a preapproval of your second-year courses
UCPH will send you a preapproval of your second-year courses in February/March. You will need this document for your Learning Agreement.

Field trip in block 3 first year of studies

Field trip in block 3 first year of studies
You will receive a subsidy of 1000€ for
Prior to the field trip on the course Practising Interdisciplinarity in block 3 at UCPH, you will receive a subsidy of 1000€ to cover field-related obligatory costs, such as plane tickets and legally required vaccinations.

You must cover non-obligatory expenses yourself.

You will receive more detailed information about this in the autumn before the field trip.


MERGED will provide you with insurance coverage for the two-year period of the programme in compliance with the Erasmus+ Requirements for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s.

You will be insured through Dr. Walter with PROTRIP-WORLD-PLUS, which includes health, liability and accident insurance. You are covered in all countries MERGED is offered.

The insurance takes effect when you start your journey to the UCPH, but no earlier than two months before official study start on 1 September.

You will receive your Insurance Confirmation by July before study start.

Student Agreement

Before starting your studies, we will send you a Student Agreement. The Student Agreement is an Erasmus Mundus specific contract between you and the programme.

You must sign the Student Agreement and return it to

Please read the Student Agreement carefully before signing and returning it

Student services

As a MERGED student you can make use of the student services available at each partner university.

Your first year in Copenhagen
Welcome and orientation at University of Copenhagen

Each MERGED partner university oversees the local orientation and welcome days for new international students.

On your first year of studies at UCPH, The Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) organise the study start and Welcome Days for all new master’s students to the faculty.

The study start at SCIENCE consists of two parts:

  • an online study start running from the end of May through August
  • international Welcome Days on campus in the last week of August.

Online study start
From the end of May, you will receive information emails from SCIENCE at UCPH. In the first email, you will get an invitation to the online study start course How to MSc.

Amongst other topics, the course introduces you to

  • the university and your study programme
  • living and studying in Denmark – incl. visa and CPR-number, finding a place to stay and more
  • setting up your alumni email, student ID and WIFI and printing on campus
  • course registration, getting ready for your courses and exams

How to MSc is a great tool for you to prepare yourself for the move to Copenhagen and getting acquainted with MERGED.

We encourage you to read How to MSc carefully and join the scheduled webinars.

Access How to MSc on through you study start room ‘MERGED 2024’ on Absalon.

International Welcome Days in August
During the last week of August, the international Welcome Days take place for all new master’s students at the faculty.

During the welcome days you can expect

  • to meet your Head of Study and the other students from your study programme
  • an introduction to Danish educational culture, Danish culture and living in Denmark
  • social activities with other new international students from across the faculty

We encourage you to participate in the welcome days in August to get acquainted with the university and the other students.

Cost of living

Living in Copenhagen can be expensive, so it is important that you make a realistic budget. Many students in Copenhagen supplement their budget with a student job.

We’ve made a rough estimate of the expected living costs in the city, both with a lower budget and a higher budget. It might be possible to live in the city on a smaller budget than what we’ve estimated.


Other sources with info on living costs in Copenhagen

Accommodation and living in Copenhagen

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, and life in the city is affected by that. It is a vibrant and cycle-friendly city with exciting career opportunities and a great student culture, with good job opportunities and endless cultural opportunities – and lastly it is a comfortable city to live in.

Accommodation in Copenhagen
As a MERGED student you’ll need to find accommodation in the city. This can be a challenge, especially in July, August and September.

You need to be patient when looking for accommodation and make a realistic plan for your apartment/room hunting.

UCPH is collaborating with Housing Foundation, an independent organization that helps international students enrolled at the university with finding accommodation.

All questions to for Housing Foundation should be directed to

Useful links when you are looking for accommodation:

Practical matters

Here you’ll find the most common topics on practical matters when you study at UCPH. The topics are not exhaustive, but they can give you an indication of where you can find more information.

Academic Calendar
The academic year at SCIENCE is divided into four blocks of 15 ECTS credits. A block consists of

  • 8 weeks of classes
  • 1 week of exams
  • 1 week with planned study break/reexams from the previous block

You can read about the academic year and holidays on UCPH Study Information.

Campus and student life
During your first year on MERGED, you will be studying at the Department of Food and Resource Economics – the department is a part of the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE) and is located at Frederiksberg Campus.

As a student at SCIENCE, you can make use of campus facilities available, join webinars and seminars hosted by SCIENCE Student Services on different relevant topics, like career, well-being and study techniques.

Read more about

Working while studying
If you have the time and energy to work alongside your studies, this can help your economic situation. In Denmark, most students – both Danish and international – supplement their budget with a student job.

Beside the money, there are many good reasons to combine your studies with a student job or an internship, as studies show that work experience can increase your chances of landing a job after graduation.

If you are here on a student visa, please check your visa for work regulations.

Read more

Language Courses and Cultural Immersion
You will get information on the Danish language course in How to MSc in module 2 – Living and studying in Denmark. You can also register for the language course in How to MSc.
Learning some Danish can be very helpful when you live in Denmark, as it will help you with the practicalities of everyday life and even if you consider applying for a student job or working in Denmark after graduation.
We encourage you to register for the language courses offered by UCPH.

Examination and Regulations
The type of examination will vary from course to course during your first year of studies. All exams are regulated by the university.

In addition, you can always identify the examination type for each course at UCPH by reading the course description.

Find your courses in the Course Catalogue.

You can read more about examination and regulations on UCPH Study Information:

Your courses will be graded with the Danish 7-point grading scale.

To get a further explanation of the grading scale and assessment of exams at UCPH, please visit Study Information on Grades and assessment.

Danish educational culture
Teaching in Denmark is characterised by an analytical approach. This means that you are expected to work independently, to discuss and form your own opinion on topics, as well as compare, analyse and critically assess information while you are studying at UCPH.

In How to MSc, you will get a deeper introduction to Danish educational culture – we encourage you read the section to prepare for the ways of teaching at the UCPH.

All questions to for Housing Foundation should be directed to

Your second year in Milan – Agricultural Development
Welcome and orientation

To help you settle and provide you with all the necessary information, the MERGED institutions arrange a variety of welcome and orientation events. You will receive detailed information from your host institution.

The University International Students Office and the Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP) every year, in November, organize a Welcome Day for the new international students. Representatives of all University centres and administrative offices take part in the Welcome Day, providing students with an overview of the respective services and activities.

Other welcome and orientation events, with more detailed information about studies, career and student life, are organized by each degree programme within the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences before the beginning of the fall semester.

Practicalities as a student at the University of Milan

In this section, you will find links to all the practical necessities of studying at the University of Milan, such as campus WiFi and getting your student ID card, as well as important information on living costs and accommodation for your move to Italy.


All MERGED institutions provide free Wi-Fi using the Eduroam protocol.

To connect to Eduroam at the University of Milan, follow this guide.


You will receive a student-ID number and the institutional email account of the University of Milan:

The email account gives you access to all student services, that is, Unimia (portal with personal information and procedures regarding the University career, e.g. registration to courses/exams or transcripts) and Ariel (database with teaching materials for each course). 


As a student at the University of Milan, you will receive the personal badge, or “Carta La Statale”, which serves as identification document at exams, for library services, to take advantage of discounts at the University refectory and for cultural activities in the city of Milan. 

Learning Portal

Ariel is the online portal of the University of Milan where professors upload teaching materials and organizational information about their courses.

You are invited to regularly monitor the portal and their institutional email address, in order to be updated about news and communications sent by the University and relevant to their studies.

Find Ariel here:

Academic Calendar

Your courses at the University of Milan are divided into two semesters (60 ECTS credits total) of 4-5 months.

  • Semester 1: Late September – Early February
  • Semester 2: Late February – Late June

Find the online calendar at University of Milan through this link.


Finding a place to live is, naturally, an important part of your mobility concerns both in the first and second year. The MERGED institutions will help guide you in finding accommodation. Types of housing and rental costs may vary from country to country. Additionally, it can be extremely difficult to find accommodation, so we strongly suggest that you accept the accommodation offered by the local housing offices.

For help to finding a place to live in Milan, see the University’s designated accommodation page.

The University of Milan’s Welcome Desk, InformaStudenti (the ticketing platform for students) can also be of help.

Cost of Living

We’ve made a rough estimate of the expected living costs in the different cities, and as you can see in the table below, you will need approximately €800 a month to cover living expenses in Milan.


Click here for the University of Milan’s guide to living in Milan as an international student.

Working While Studying

Students who wish to work while studying can contact the COSP centre (University Study and Career Guidance Service) for internship opportunities. Go to the COSP website here.

Moreover, students can work part-time at University offices or departments, taking part in the work-study programmes for a maximum duration of 200 hours or 320 hours per academic year.

Click here for more information on traineeship and work.

For more information on working while studying at the University of Milan, click here.

International Student Handbooks

The MERGED institutions have developed special handbooks for international students. Here you will find information on studying and living in your host country, e.g.: How is teaching organised? How do I meet other students? Where do I find information? What is the local culture like? What official paperwork is required?

See the welcome guide for international students in Milano here.

Language Courses and Cultural Immersion

The language centre of the University of Milan (SLAM) offers Italian language courses which are free for all international students. The courses cover all CEFR levels between A1 and C1 and take place every semester, from October to January and from March to June, usually in the evening in order not to interfere with other courses. 

Moreover, 40 students are selected every year for 3-week summer courses on Italian language and culture in the beautiful setting of Lake Garda – read more here

Campus Facilities

Libraries: the University Library Service comprises 17 libraries specialized in the areas of teaching and research of the University, with 1.800.000 books and 26.000 journals, and a digital library with 520.000 ebooks, 70.000 ejournals and 200 databases.  

Sports: the University Sports Centre (CUS) offers courses and activities in several disciplines (football, volleyball, tennis, rugby, canoe, sailing, skiing) and takes part in national and international tournaments. 

Music: the University orchestra, the choir and the ensemble are always willing to welcome students who wish to make music. 

Placement, internships, guidance: the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP) is available to assist students before, during, and after their University career. 

Examination and Regulations

Across the MERGED institutions you will study at, courses may be assessed in a variety of ways depending on the form of teaching. The main methods of assessment are written and oral examinations, tests during modules, written practical reports, essays, oral presentations, fieldwork, and reports.  

You can find the forms of assessment for each course at the University of Milan in the course catalogue here: (expand the „Educational Plan” and click on each course title to find information about programme and assessment).

As a MERGED student you must comply with all university regulations both at your first and second year institution.  

 Find the regulations at the University of Milan here.

Thesis requirements

The second year ends with a 27 ECTS thesis. The thesis requirements differ between the two MERGED universities, and you can read about the requirements at University of Milano in this paragraph.

The workflow for the thesis at the University of Milan consists of 4 steps.

(I) Ideation phase:

before the second-year intra-semester MERGED Joint Workshop, you will propose a potential topic for the master’s thesis and meet with one or more supervisors.

You must submit a thesis concept note to the MERGED local coordinator, including a description of the state of the art, an indication of the placement of the topic within the field of global environment and development studies, a description of the methods to be used and a timetable.

(II) Development phase:

you and the supervisor develop the thesis subject well before the thesis work period; this includes the possible involvement of external supervisors and data collection/fieldwork planning.

When conducting a thesis at the University of Milan, you must carry out a curricular internship according to the procedure available on the University website. Read more about the curricular internship here.

If you need additional funding to finance data collection/fieldwork you can be assisted by your supervisor(s). You and your supervisor(s) cooperate on planning the thesis work: timetable (project start, periods of fieldwork, submission) and financial resources must be identified and discussed. Supervisor(s) will assist you in finding literature and planning data collection/fieldwork.

(III) Work phase:

You and you supervisor(s) must discuss the hypotheses, the data collection strategy and the potential risks connected. You must abide by the regulation of any external institution in which the data collection is carried out. Early in the writing phase, the thesis project should be presented and discussed at a status seminar with the supervisor, fellow students and other experts.

(IV) Submission and discussion.


Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science

University of Milan

Via G. Celoria 2

20133 Milan


Academic contact person: Tenured Associate Professor, Carlo Massimo Pozzi, tel: +39 02503 16568

Administrative contact persons:

Katia Righini,;

Your second year in Warsaw – Sustainable Environmental Development
Welcome and orientation

To help you settle and provide you with all the necessary information, the MERGED institutions arrange a variety of welcome and orientation events. You will receive detailed information from your host institution.

Before the beginning and during the first month of the academic year, various events are organized at the University of Warsaw to introduce the following goals, among others:

The Welcome Point is a central information service at the University of Warsaw for international employees, visitors and students, providing all information and assistance.

Practicalities as a student at the University of Warsaw

In this section, you will find links to all the practical necessities of studying at the University of Warsaw, such as campus WiFi and getting your student ID card, as well as important information on living costs and accommodation for your move to Poland.


All MERGED institutions provide free Wi-Fi using the Eduroam protocol.

To connect to Eduroam at the Univeristy of Warsaw, follow this guide.


The email account gives you access to all student services.


As a student at the University of Warsaw, you will receive an Electronic Student Card. The card not only confirms your affiliation with the university but will also serve as a library card and a public transportation city card. Additionally, it can provide you with a variety of special offers.

Click here for details on getting the Electronic Student Card.

Learning Portal

The Center for Digital Competence at UW implements and supports activities related to e-learning and digital humanities, provides digital services, and coordinate UW’s participation in national and international networks involved in the use of digital technologies.

A diverse range of courses and activities are made available on the Campus General University E-Learning Platform.

Academic Calendar

Your courses at the University of Warsaw are divided into two semesters (60 ECTS credits) of 4-5 months.

  • Semester 1: October – Mid February
  • Semester 2: Late February – Late July

Find the online calendar at University of Warsaw through this link.


Finding a place to live is, naturally, an important part of your mobility concerns both in the first and second year. The MERGED institutions will help guide you in finding accommodation. Types of housing and rental costs may vary from country to country. Additionally, it can be extremely difficult to find accommodation, so we strongly suggest that you accept the accommodation offered by the local housing offices.

For help to finding a place to live in Warsaw, check out the University’s designated accommodation page on Welcome Point and International Relation Office.

There has also been made a website with an overview of dormitories in Warsaw that you may find useful.

Cost of Living

We’ve made a rough estimate of the expected living costs in the different cities, and as you can see in the table below, you will need approximately €650 a month to cover living expenses in Warsaw.

Click here for the University of Warsaw’s guide to living in Warsaw as an international student.


For a detailed guide on living costs in Poland, find more information here or see this page.

Working while studying

Working while studying often helps you improve your economic situation and gain valuable experience that enables you to find your dream job in the future

In Poland, students from a variety of fields of study take on additional jobs to increase their chances in the job market after graduation.

Check out these pages to learn about regulations and job opportunities.

International Student Handbooks

The MERGED institutions have developed special handbooks for international students. Here you will find information on studying and living in your host country, e.g.: How is teaching organised? How do I meet other students? Where do I find information? What is the local culture like? What official paperwork is required?

See the welcome guide for international students in Warsaw before travel and arrival and during your stay.

Language Courses and Cultural Immersion

The University of Warsaw offers a wide range of language courses, which you can attend during your second year of the MERGED programme.

You can join Polonicum (Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners) to participate in regular courses in Polish at no charge, in addition to the other classes you take at the university. Read more here.

Additionally, students at the University of Warsaw can study 37 foreign languages thanks to its distinguished University System of Language Provision. Read more here.

Click here to read for the website of the University System of Language Provision.

The University of Warsaw has also created a thorough overview of cultural, sports and tourist activities in the city, which you can find here.

For an overview of activities financed by the Integrated Development Programme, click here.

Examination and Regulations

Courses may be assessed in a variety of ways depending on the form of teaching. The main methods of assessment are: written and oral examinations, tests during modules, written practical reports, essays, oral presentations, fieldwork, and reports.  

As a MERGED student you must comply with all university regulations both at your first and second year institution. Find the regulations at the University of Warsaw.

Thesis requirements

The second year ends with a 27 ECTS thesis. The thesis requirements differ between the two MERGED universities, and you can read about the requirements at University of Warsaw in this paragraph.

A thesis is a self-contained study of a research problem, documented with sources, including an abstract, keywords, table of contents, lists of tables, figures, maps, photographs, and appendices and cited literature.

The thesis must be written within the academic scope of the programme. The thesis shall be carried out in accordance with the rules laid down by the cooperating universities.

The thesis must include the following main elements, the order and scope of each to be determined in collaboration with the supervisor -an introduction outlining the theory and methods used, outlining the academic background of the study and its relevance to the Global Development context.

The objectives of the thesis:

To formulate, define and operationalise a science issue in relation to Global Development in a broad sense. The thesis is prepared on the basis of courses and other learning activities covered in the MSc in Global Development programme.

The thesis may be based on primary or secondary empirical data.


The University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development
University of Warsaw

ul. Żwirki i Wigury 93,

02-089 Warszawa (building of the Faculty of Geology)



Academic matters
Teaching and learning

During your studies, you will work with real-life problems and get exposed to field realities, both during excursions, compulsory field course in the first year, and during your master’s thesis, as MERGED puts a great emphasis on applied research.

You will experience different types of teaching during your MERGED studies depending on the univeristy. For example, at UCPH you will experience:

  • lectures
  • theoretical exercises
  • classroom discussions
  • group work

European higher education is characterised by an analytical approach. This means that you are encouraged to compare, analyse, and critically assess information. You are expected to work independently, to discuss and form your own opinion.

Often work is carried out in small project groups, where you train your interpersonal skills. The international study environment provides you with an opportunity to work with fellow students from all over the world and develop your intercultural communication skills and competencies as well as developing an international network.

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

All MERGED partner universities uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

ECTS is a method of measuring your study programme as academic currency and create transparency on workload of each course.

On average, one ECTS credit point equals between 25-30 working hours. This includes hours spent at the university as well as outside the university. The number of credits awarded for each course varies depending on the workload.

60 ECTS credits equals the workload of a full academic year. To graduate from MERGED, you must earn 120 ECTS credits.

You can read about the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) on the website of the European Commission.

MERGED outstanding student awards

Every year the best graduating student is awarded the MERGED Award for Outstanding Achievement. This student is identified based on institutional-level feedback to the MERGED Commission; it cannot be applied for. The Award carries a Diploma and a cash prize of €500.

Alumni associations

The Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA) is founded by the European Commission and is an association for students and alumni of all Erasmus Mundus and (former) Doctoral programmes.

You can read more about EMA on their website.

The MERGED student alumni association will be established shortly before the first edition of students (the 2023-2025 cohort) graduates in 2025.


None of the MERGED partner universities tolerate plagiarism. It is a serious offence as the plagiarist takes credit for work that rightly belongs to someone else. In that sense it can be considered stealing.

If you plagiarise it can have serious consequences for your further studies.

It is important that you always refer in a clear and concise manner to the source you’ve used in your assignments. You can always reach out to your teacher or Head of Studies if you are unsure about how to cite sources correctly.

On UCPH Study Information you can read about

Credit transfers and issuing of diploma

As MERGED is a double degree, you will get a diploma from

  • University of Copenhagen
  • your second-year university.

The process of issuing the diploma varies from partner university to partner university.

However, before each university can issue your diploma, you need to ensure that 120 ECTS credit is recorded at each university.

This mean that you must transfer credits

  • from UCPH > your second-year university – preferably right after your first year of studies
  • from your second-year university > UCPH – as soon as you have grades for all courses

Transcript of records: how to get it from each partner university

Transcript of records: how to get it from each partner university

You need a certified transcript of records from UCPH and apply for a credit transfer at your second-year university.

We encourage you to order a certified transcript as soon as all your course (60 ECTS) from UCPH have been graded – you will complete your last courses at UCPH by the end of June.

Below you can see how to get your transcript of records from each partner university.

University of Copenhagen: How to get your transcript
You must request a certified copy of your transcript from SCIENCE Student Services.
This is what you must do:

  1. Go to the contact page of SCIENCE Student Services
  2. Click the accordion ‘Order’
  3. Click on ‘Order a grade transcript’
  4. Fill in the form (make sure to choose the English version of the form in the upper right corner)
  5. You certified transcript will be sent to you when your request has been processed by the Study Administration.
    University of Warsaw: How to get your transcript of records

University of Warsaw: How to get your transcript of records
UW is currently working on a text for this section. It will be updated as soon as the text is ready.

University of Milan: How to get your transcript of records
How to transfer credits to each partner university

From your personal page on Unimia, you must download a self-declaration with information about your career at the University of Milan.

To receive your transcript of records stamped and certified by the University, you must use the “Online stamped certificates service”.

The online procedure includes the payment of the stamp duty (16.00€).

How to transfer credits to each partner university

Once you’ve received your certified transcript of records, you must ensure that your credits are transferred to your second-year university or to UCPH if you’ve just completed your second year of studies.

Each university have different procedures for transferring credits. Below you can see how to transfer credits to each partner university.

How to credit transfer to University of Copenhagen
Once you have a certified transcript from your second-year university, you must apply for a credit transfer of the remaining 60 ECTS to UCPH.

All credits will be transferred as pass/fail to your UCPH transcript.

You apply for a credit transfer on UCPH Study Information..

How to credit transfer to University of Warsaw
UW is currently working on a text for this section. It will be updated as soon as the text is ready.

How to credit transfer to University of Milan
Once you have a certified transcript of records from the University of Copenhagen, you must send it to the MERGED Secretariat at the University of Milan using the portal Informastudenti.
Your credits from your first year of study will be registered in your career at the University of Milan

Issuing of diplomas

As soon as you’ve ensured that you have 120 ECTS credits registered at each of the universities that you’ve attended on MERGED, the individual university can start the process of issuing your diploma from their university.

Issuing of diploma from University of Copenhagen
Your diploma from UCPH will be issued no later than 8 weeks after you’ve applied for a credit transfer of the 60 ECTS from your second-year university to UCPH.

You can read about the UCPH diploma on UCPH Study Information.

Issuing of diploma from University of Warsaw
UW is currently working on a text for this section. It will be updated as soon as the text is ready.

Issuing of diploma from University of Milan
UMIL is currently working on a text for this section. It will be updated as soon as the text is ready.

Titel awarded for the double degree

Title awarded for the double degree

The title awarded for the MERGED double degree depends on which universities you’ve attended through the programme.

In the table below, you can see which title is awarded from each university.

UniversityDegree awarded
University of CopenhagenMaster of Science (MSc) in Global Environment and Development
University of WarsawMagister in Global Environment and Development
University of MilanLaurea Magistrale in Global Environment and Development