Graduate Profile

The general aim of the MERGED programme is to create globally competitive graduates that can identify critical aspects of renewable natural resource management for economic, environmental, institutional, and societal development in the global north and south and develop appropriate and feasible solutions.

MERGED will educate high-quality graduates to become professionals in private companies working with sustainable production and trade of renewable natural resources, such as the food and agro-industry; public companies and I/NGOs involved in developing, implementing, managing, and monitoring renewable natural resource-oriented programs and projects, including certification and value chains; government bodies involved in monitoring and/or policy- related activities; and universities and research institutions where graduates are involved in research, including PhD programmes.

Through interdisciplinary and disciplinary, multicultural real-life experiences and laboratory experiments, students will learn to identify, analyse, understand, and forecast complex systems. MERGED was developed with all partners’ full participation and is fully integrated into the participating institutions while operating jointly, from application assessment through selection to evaluation and graduation.
