Admission Requirements

If you have completed or are enrolled in the final semester of a Bachelor’s programme, you are eligible to apply for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in Global Environment and Development (MERGED).

Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree in the following, meets all the  academic requirements for admission to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Global Environment and Development (MERGED).

Bachelor’s degrees that automatically fulfil the academic requirements

Applicants with with one of the following Bachelor’s or Professional Bachelor’s degrees automatically fulfil the academic requirements for admission to the MSc Programme in MSc Programme in Global Environment and Development:

Agricultural Economics/Environmental and Food Economics

(jordbrugsøkonomi/miljø- og fødevareøkonomi), Animal Science (husdyrvidenskab), Biochemistry (biokemi), Biology (biologi), Biotechnology (bioteknologi), Food and Nutrition (fødevarer og ernæring), Geography and Geoinformatics (geografi og geoinformatik), Landscape Architecture (landskabsarkitektur), Natural Resources (naturressourcer) from University of Copenhagen

Economics, Anthropology or Sociology

from University of Copenhagen.

Forest and Landscape Engineering

(skov- og landskabsingeniør) from University of Copenhagen.

L-2 (Biotechnology), L-13 (Biological Sciences), L-18 (Economics and Business Management Sciences)

L-21 (Sciences), L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies), L-26 (Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies), L-32 (Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Nature) , L-36 (Political Sciences and International Relations), L-37 (Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development and Peace), or L-38 (Zootechnical Sciences and Animal Production Technologies) from the University of Milan.

Applied Sociology and Social Anthropology, Applied Geology, Biology

Biotechnology, Economics, Geography, Interdisciplinary Economic-Managerial Studies, Psychology or Sociology, Management, European Politics and Economics, Organization of Labour Market, Social and Public Policy, Spatial Development, Environmental Protection, Internal Security or International Relations from University of Warsaw

Other Bachelor’s degrees

Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree, Professional Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from Danish or international universities other than those listed above is qualified for admission to the MSc Programme in Global Environment and Development if the programme includes the following:

  • 30 ECTS in natural sciences (e.g. agrobiology, agronomy, animal sciences, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, food and nutrition, forestry, geography, natural resources or environmental sciences) or
  • 30 ECTS in social sciences (e.g. agricultural economics, anthropology, economics, development economics, development studies, socio-economic geography or sociology)

Other applicants

The Faculty may also admit applicants who, after an individual academic assessment, are assessed to possess educational qualifications equivalent to those required above.

Supplementary subject elements

The qualifications of an applicant to the MSc programme are assessed exclusively on the basis of the qualifying Bachelor’s degree. Supplementary subject elements passed between the completion of the Bachelor’s programme and the admission to the MSc program cannot be included in the overall assessment.

However, subject elements passed before the completion of the Bachelor’s programme may be included in the overall assessment. This includes subject elements completed as continuing education as well as subject elements completed as part of a former higher education programme. A maximum of 30 ECTS supplementary subject elements can be included in the overall assessment.

Subject elements, passed before completing the Bachelor’s programme, which are to form part of the MSc programme to which the student has a legal right of admission (§15-courses) cannot be included in the overall assessment.

The MERGED admission committee assesses all applications individually based on its academic content. You can only get an answer to whether or not your degree meets the admission requirements by applying for admission to the programme. We do not pre-assess applications.

Language requirements

  • You are required to document proficiency in English.

Prioritisation of applicants

There is no BSc programme with reserved access for this programme.

If the number of qualified applicants to the programme exceeds the number of places available, applicants will be prioritised according to the following criteria:

  • Grades achieved in relevant courses*
  • Grade-point average achieved in qualifying degree.

*relevant courses include courses in agricultural economics, agrobiology, agronomy, animal sciences, anthropology, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, development economics, development studies, economics, environmental sciences, food and nutrition, forestry, geography, natural resources, socio-economic geography and sociology.

Tuition Fee

The price setting of participation costs for Erasmus Mundus students reflect the national legal framework of individual institutions as well as individual institutions participation cost/tuition fee policy..


EU Erasmus Mundus student scholarships are distributed to students accepting a MERGED offer for admission and are selected for a MERGED Erasmus Mundus student scholarship.

The distribution of the EU Erasmus Mundus student scholarships is performed in compliance with Erasmus Mundus student scholarship regulations set by EU.

Appeals and complains

In case of complaint, the Student may appeal to the MERGED consortium, through the MERGED Commission, with a reasoned written argument addressed to the programme coordinator. The MERGED consortium will consider the issue and will handle it within thirty days. The MERGED consortium then points the complaints to the correct body within each university where appropriate. However, for specific complaints about a specific service or facility provided by a member institution, the Student shall invoke the complaints procedure of that institution.

MERGED Official Student Agreement

The Student Agreement is an Erasmus Mundus specific contract between you and the programme. If you are accepted into the programme, the Student Agreement will be sent to you, and you must sign and return it by the deadline stated in the email.
