Poland’s 20 years in the European Union

On May 1, 2004, Poland joined the European Union. This is both a period of development for the country, as well as the development of science through, among other things, the participation of universities in research and infrastructure projects financed or co-financed by EU funds.

European university

The 4EU+ alliance consists of eight European research universities: Warsaw University, Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas (joined this year), Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen, University of Geneva and University of Milan.

As part of one of the Flagships, the Global Environment and Development (MERGED) degree program is being implemented by UCBS.

MERGED is the first course implemented by the University of Warsaw in joint studies with partner universities from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Milan. The national coordinator of this project is UCBS Director: Mariola Zalewska– PhD.

Infrastructural development

European funds have made it possible to finance a number of university investments, thus improving the conditions for daily work and study for students and researchers

EU funds have been used to restore the historic campus, modernize the Faculty of Management, build the Center for New Technologies, the Center for Biological and Chemical Sciences, a new seat for the Faculty of Physics, the first stage of the new building of the linguistics departments, and the European Center for Geological Education in Chęciny.

Research University

Funding for research is awarded by the European Union through framework programs. To win a grant, Polish scientists must compete with researchers from the other 27 EU countries and more than a dozen associated countries.

In the 7th Framework Program (2007-2013), UW won funding for 99 projects to the tune of €32.5 million. In the Horizon 2020 framework program (2014-2020), the UW received funding for 121 projects, amounting to nearly €40 million. Under the ongoing Horizon Europe program, UW has received 112 projects for about €43 million, including 38 EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) projects for about €7.3 million. In all previous framework programs, the University of Warsaw has been a leader among Polish research centers.

ERC grants

The most prestigious grants from the framework programs are those awarded by the European Research Council.

So far, 84 grants have been completed in Poland: in the 7th Framework Program – 16, in the Horizon 2020 framework program – 29, in the Horizon Europe program Polish researchers have won 39 grants.

Erasmus program at UW

Twenty-six years ago – in the 1998/1999 academic year – the UW first participated in the EU’s largest academic exchange program, Socrates/Erasmus. Today, thanks to the Eramsus+ program, the university organizes exchanges of doctoral students, academics and other university staff, and offers students and doctoral students, in addition to part-time studies, scholarships for internships or Blended Intensive Programs (BIP). The university also participates in more than a dozen international projects that support the development of innovation and the exchange of good practices between universities.

ZIP program

The program is implemented from April 2, 2018 to December 31, 2023. The program funds, among other things, new fields of study, scholarships for travel abroad, training and summer schools, as well as the development of the university’s information systems. The program aims to improve the quality of teaching, enrich the offer of doctoral studies, develop the competencies of students and staff, and improve and modernize management.

fot: ECEG, UW


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